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In Press


Behnke M., Lakens D., Petrova K., Chwiłkowska P., Jęśko Białek Sz., Kłoskowski M., Krzyżaniak W., Maciejewski P., Kaczmarek L. D., Szymański K.,  Jamieson J. P., & Gross J. J. (2024). Applying a synergistic mindsets intervention to an esports context. Royal Society Open Science (11) 240691.

Behnke M., Saganowski, S., Kunc, D., Kazienko P., (2024) Ethical Considerations and Checklist for Affective Research with Wearables, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (15) 50-62.

Buchwald, M., Kupinski, S., Nowak, J., Biadala,  M., Behnke, M., (2024) PosEmo – An automated system for measuring user interest and attitude in real time. [in:] Proceedings of the 57th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2024, 7710-7720,

Siuda, P., Behnke, M., Hedlund, D.P. (2024). Popularizing and Connecting Esports Research: Introduction to the Esports Minitrack [in:] Proceedings of the 57th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2024, 4441-4442.


Behnke M., Pietruch, M., Chwiłkowska, P., Wessel, E., Kaczmarek, L. D., Assink, M., Gross, J.J., (2023) The Undoing Effect of Positive Emotions – Meta-Analytic Review. Emotion Review. 15(1), 45–62.

Behnke M., Stefanczyk, M. M., Żurek, G., Sorokowski, P., (2023) Esports players are less extraverted and conscientious than athletes. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 26(1), 50-56.

Behnke, M., Saganowski, S., Kaczmarek, Ł. D., & Kazienko, P. (2023, March). Emotions Studied by Computer Scientists and Psychologists—A Complementary Perspective. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops) (pp. 206-211). IEEE.

Ditzer, J., Wong, E. Y., Modi, R. N., Behnke, M., Gross, J. J., & Talmon, A. (2023). Child maltreatment and alexithymia: A meta-analytic review.Psychological Bulletin, 149(5-6), 311–329.

Misiak, M., Behnke, M., Peters, B., Dziekan, M., Kosakowski, M., Gimzicka, M., Kaczmarek, L.D., (in press). Evil joy is hard to share: Negative affect attenuates interpersonal capitalizing on immoral deeds. Emotion, 23(1), 230–242. (90%, 140pkt, 5.564)

Siuda, P., Behnke, M., Hedlund, D.P. (2023). Towards a Future Esports Research: Introduction to Esports Minitrack [in:] Proceedings of the 56th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2023, Hyatt Regency Maui, Hawaii, USA, 3-6 January 2023, Maui, Hawaii, (ed.) Tung X. Bui,Honolulu, HI, pp. 3880-3881.


Behnke M., Kreibig S.D, Kaczmarek, L.D., Assink, M., Gross, J.J., (2022). Autonomic Nervous System Activity During Positive Emotions: A Meta-Analytic Review. Emotion Review. 14, 132–160.

Behnke, M., Buchwald, M., Bykowski, A., Kupiński, Sz., Kaczmarek, L.D., (2022), Psychophysiology of Positive and Negative Emotions – Dataset of 1157 Participants and 8 Biosignals. Scientific Data. 9, 10

Behnke, M., Gross, J. J., & Kaczmarek, L. D. (2022). The role of emotions in esports performance. Emotion. 22(5), 1059–1070.

Kaczmarek, L.D., Behnke, M., Dzon, M., (2022). Eye problems and musculoskeletal pain in Pokémon Go players, Scientific Reports, 12, 19315.

Kaczmarek, L.D., Kashdan, T.B., Behnke, M., Matuła, Dziekan, M., Enko, J., Kosakowski, M., E., Guzik, P., (2022). Positive emotions boost enthusiastic responsiveness to capitalization attempts. Dissecting self-report, physiology, and behavior. Journal of Happiness Studies. 23, 81–99

Kaczmarek, L.D., Kelso, K.C., Behnke, M., Kashdan, T.B., Dziekan, M., Matuła, Kosakowski, M., E., Enko, J., Guzik, P., (2021). Give and Take: The Role of Reciprocity in Capitalization. Journal of Positive Psychology, 17, 561-572.

Mostajeran, M. H., Badami, R., & Behnke, M. (2022). Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Sport Mental Training Questionnaire. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 16(2), e118789

Naranowicz, M., Jankowiak, K., Behnke, M., (2022) Native and non-native language contexts differently modulate mood-driven electrodermal activity. Scientific Reports, 12, 22361 .

Saganowski, S., Komoszyńska, J., Behnke, M., Perz, B., Kunc, D., Klich, B., Kaczmarek, L.D., Kazienko P., (2022) Emognition dataset: emotion recognition with1self-reports, facial expressions, and physiology using wearables. Scientific Data, 9, 158

Saganowski, S., Kunc, D., Perz, B., Komoszyńska, J., Behnke, M., Kazienko, P., (2022) The cold start problem and per-group personalization in real-life emotion recognition. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops) 812-817


Behnke, M., Bianchi-Berthouze, N., Kaczmarek, L. D., (2021). Head movement differs for positive and negative emotions in video recordings of sitting individuals, Scientific Reports

Behnke, M., Chwiłkowska, P., & Kaczmarek, L. D. (2021). What makes male gamers angry, sad, amused, and enthusiastic while playing violent video games?. Entertainment Computing, 37, 100397.

Behnke, M., Hase, A., Kaczmarek, L. D., Freeman, P., (2021) Blunted Cardiovascular Reactivity May Serve as an Index of Psychological Task Disengagement in the Motivated Performance Situations. Scientific Reports, 11, 18083

Behnke, M., Overbye, H., Pietruch, M., Kaczmarek, L. D., (2021). How seasons and weather conditions influence baseline affective valence in laboratory research participants.PLOS One 16(8): e0256430,

Drążkowski, D., Behnke, M., Kaczmarek, L. D., (2021) I am afraid to buy this! Manipulating with consumer’s anxiety and self-construal. PLOS One, 16: e0256483

Enko, J., Behnke, M., Dziekan, M., Kosakowski, M., & Kaczmarek, L. D. (2021). Gratitude texting touches the heart: Challenge/threat cardiovascular responses to gratitude expression predict self-initiation of gratitude interventions in daily life. Journal of Happiness Studies. 22, 49–69.

Hase, A., Behnke, M., Mazurkiewicz, M., Wieteska K., Golec de Zavala, A., (2021) Collective Narcissism Intensifies Distress and Retaliatory Aggression in Response to Intergroup Exclusion. Psychophysiology 58, e13879 ,

Kaczmarek, L. D., Behnke, M., Enko, J., Hoffman, A., Kiciński, M., Paruszewski, J., … & Dombrowski, S. U. (2021). Would you be happier if you moved more? Physical activity focusing illusion. Current Psychology. 40, 3716–3724.

Kaczmarek, L. D., Behnke, M., Enko, J., Kosakowski, M., Guzik, P., & Hughes, B. M. (2021). Splitting the affective atom: Divergence of valence and approach-avoidance motivation during a dynamic emotional experienceCurrent Psychology 40, 40, 3272–3283.


Behnke, M., Kosakowski, M., & Kaczmarek, L. D. (2020). Social challenge and threat predict performance and cardiovascular responses during competitive video gamingPsychology of Sport and Exercise46, 101584.


Behnke, M., Tomczak, M., Kaczmarek, L. D., Komar, M., & Gracz, J. (2019). The Sport Mental Training Questionnaire: Development and Validation. Current Psychology, 38, 504–516.

Kaczmarek, L. D., Behnke, M., Enko, J., Kosakowski, M., Hughes, B. M., Piskorski, J., & Guzik, P. (2019). Effects of emotions on heart rate asymmetry. Psychophysiology56(4), e13318.

Kaczmarek, L. D., Behnke, M., Kosakowski, M., Enko, J., Dziekan, M., Piskorski, J., Hughes, B. M., & Guzik, P. (2019). High-approach and low-approach positive affect influence physiological responses to threat and anger. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 138, 27–37.


Behnke, M., & Kaczmarek, L. D. (2018). Successful performance and cardiovascular markers of challenge and threat: A meta-analysisInternational Journal of Psychophysiology, 130, 73–79.

Kaczmarek, L. D., Behnke, M., Kashdan, T. B., Kusiak, A., Marzec, K., Mistrzak, M., & Włodarczyk, M. (2018). Smile intensity in social networking profile photographs is related to greater scientific achievements. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 13(5), 435–439.


Kaczmarek, L. D., Misiak, M., Behnke, M., Dziekan, M., & Guzik, P. (2017). The Pikachu effect: Social and health gaming motivations lead to greater benefits of Pokémon GO use. Computers in Human Behavior, 75, 356–363.

Behnke, M., Chlebosz, K., Kaczmarek, M. (2017). Trening Mentalny – Psychologia Sportu w Praktyce. Warszawa: Inne Spacery, pp.368. ISBN:978-83-64709-11-1 (Book)